Feisty Pets® 20" Jumbo Chomper City-Stomper the Kaiju
Feisty Pets® 20" Jumbo Glenda Glitterpoop The Unicorn
Feisty Pets® 20" Jumbo Sammy Suckerpunch The Dog
Feisty Pets® 8" Baron Von Flamefart then Black and Red Dragon
Feisty Pets® 8" Brash Bungler the Big Foot
Feisty Pets® 8" Salamanca Splashalotl the Axolotl
Feisty Pets® 8" Scotty Sodahater The Red-Scared Polar Bear
Feisty Pets® 8" Super Doofus The Derpy Super Bear
Feisty Pets® 8.5" Burro Machine the Cybernetic Donkey Claw Machine and 4" Mini Robo Doofus the Robot Super Bear with Feisty Fables #1 Comic Book - CCXP24 Exclusive
Feisty Pets® Minis 4" Scarin' Erin the Butterfly with Keychain Clip